Welcoming Karen to the AD team!

It's been busy in the AD office this month as we have welcomed our third new start since the New Year! We are thrilled to introduce Karen, our new Office and Finance Manager. As per tradition, we sat down and got to know her a little bit more with her introductory blog. Over to you now, Karen!

What attracted you to After Digital?

I was instantly interested when I saw the job opening at After Digital. I have worked in media, advertising and digital marketing most of my life in London, but when I came back to Scotland 7 years ago, I chased to find an opportunity in the industry but hit a brick wall. I was so excited when I was called in for an interview and even more excited when I was offered the role!

Tell us a bit about what you did before joining After Digital as a Office & Finance Manager.

Just before joining, I was working for an entrepreneur, who owned pharmacies, property and a restaurant. I did everything from making the tea to managing the accounts for all companies. A jack of all trades. 


What do you bring to the team?

I bring a wealth of knowledge from my many years of managing accounts and office management background.

What do you do in your spare time?

Up until last year, I was a committed horse owner, but sadly she was put to sleep and I haven't got back on the saddle since. Over the last 4 months, I have had my hands full with a house renovation, which is not for the faint hearted. It's still ongoing, but almost at completion. I'm also a mum of two boys and when I'm not with them I try to get to the gym - I love lifting weights! 


What’s on the top of your bucket list?

I really want to parachute out of a plane somewhere tropical!

What is the most interesting thing that’s ever happened to you?

I was a dancer for Ministry of Sound in a cage above all the party people at the Millenium party in the Millenium Dome in London on New Years Eve - it was amazing!

What is your favourite quote?

"If it's for you, it will never pass you by" - my late nanny always used to say it!


Which celeb would play you in a movie?

Angelina Jolie!

Welcome to the team, Karen! We are so happy to have you on board with us! The Millenium party must have been amazing!


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